
Biblical Theology, Volume 1: The Common Grace Covenants is unavailable, but you can change that!

The first volume in the Biblical Theology set explores the two common grace covenants: the Adamic and Noahic. The second volume will examine the special grace covenants: the Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New covenants. The volumes present the covenant as an expression of the nature of God, and show a paradigm of activity by which God works in covenantal relations, first to create the world and...

inscribed—a stone statue of an Assyrian provincial governor.14 So, both terms are used of a stone statue, made to resemble the provincial governor. It should be clear from such data that the words in question were used to convey an idea of formal representation. A statue of a king or a governor would have a head, a torso, arms and hands, and legs and feet, in formal resemblance to the original of which it was a copy. Statues may be poorly executed, or they may be idealized, but in such matters, they
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